Introducing our Hijab Bouquet a beautiful composition of 5 premium hijabs in different shades. This bouquet offers endless possibilities for personal styling. It is a perfect gifting option for your loved ones.
*Price of 5 Turkish Lawn hijabs are included. There will be additional charges for customization*
Customized order take 6-8 working days to deliver. An advance payment is required for confirmation of order.
Orders within Pakistan
Allow about 2-7 working days for standard delivery anywhere within Pakistan after your order is shipped from our warehouse.
International Orders:
Allow about 5-14 working days for orders shipping outside Pakistan.
Free shipping on all international orders above $150 (USD).
Fragrance and certain body care products cannot be shipped outside of the Pakistan.
Important: The recipient of the order will be responsible for any import duties or taxes charged by the recipient's country and carrier-related fees. These additional charges will be collected from the recipient by our shipping carrier at the time of delivery.
Items can be returned within 7 days of your order delivery date. Exclusions apply. Read our full return policy here.
Good stuff
I ordered 3 Turkish hijabs.Really impressed by the quality and fabric of these items. Planning to place another order :)
Excellent quality of mask.. recommended 💯
Such a good quality of scarf & so easy to wear🥰 so soft and looking so elegant i love it❤️❤️